by Nasya Gay

As someone in the world of emotional healing work, I hear a lot of different versions of how resilience works. I agree with the definition that says resilience is not a personality trait, but a set of skills that one can hone to weather and survive the continuous trauma that existing inflicts. I also agree that a person’s level of resilience depends on the social and emotional resources they have access to. 

“Resilience is not forcing oneself to be productive. Building it can be uncomfortable; stepping outside of the comfort zone always is.”

This piece “Take these Broken Wings”, is a metaphor for my personal experience with resilience. Resilience is about using what you have at your disposal in your support network and internal emotional reserves among other things, and creating a new, beautifully ugly result. 


Nasya is a dancer, traveler, haunter and program director. She has a master’s degree from the University of London, Goldsmiths in Dance Movement Psychotherapy. Just like everyone else she just hopes to make it out of this (2020) alive. 

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