by Kayla Brown

Dear Philly,

I’m sorry for your broken windows, graffiti walls, stolen identity, and polluted air. I’m sorry for the 
little fires everywhere. I wish you could go home and not face this alone. But this is your home
and it’s been destroyed by people who don’t see your love, your brotherly love. Who don’t see
your truth. Who don’t see you. Center city, you are the beating heart of Philly. Your art speaks
on the walls. Your skyline speaks, I’m here. Your people say your name. Your people know your
name. I’m not afraid of you. I’m afraid of them. You got turned upside down, left broken and
bent. Dirty and wrecked. Alone and upset. Maybe we’ll put you together again, but that takes
time. Dear Philly, my city, I love you. Dear city, my Philly, I love you. 



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Philadelphia PA 19104