by Adrian S. Potter

You are trapped inside a poem
that’s part dungeon, part safe space,
a storm shelter surrounded by squalls.
You are part mailman, part machete,
delivering handwritten notes of optimism
to the severed hands of unlucky recipients.
You are not the food on the table
but the urge that drags us there,
starving. I label you as both savior
and scapegoat in the same breath.
You preach sermons about the rope
without mentioning the tree,
neglecting the asphyxiated truth
hanging between us.
I imagine you as a specter of light
with a lump of burning coal for a heart.
Voltas of gentrified dreams,
brutal futures, and melancholy equations.
You survive only because some people
want you to exist. You survive only because
other people want you destroyed.
Adrian S. Potter writes poetry and prose in Minnesota. He is the author of the poetry collection Everything Wrong Feels Right and the prose chapbook The Alter Ego Handbook. Publication credits include North American Review, Obsidian, Jet Fuel Review, and Kansas City Voices. Visit him online at
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