by Amy S. Pacini

Liberty Street is a revitalized region of unfolding urbanity

Where cheerful children readily run out and contentedly play without skipping a heavy heartbeat

Every time they cross contrasting corners to associate along allied avenues.

No more antagonistic attitudes, wicked words, explosive exchanges, and caustic confrontations

No more bigotry borders, terrorizing territories, cultural clashes, and gang turf wars

Racial riots, lawless looting, and loathing lines in the stereotypical segregated sand

No more wrathful weapons, abusive attacks, vicious violence, and brutal bloodshed

No more frightening fears and trailing tears.

Let us bravely begin waving freedom’s flag and justly join diversity’s hands

To disintegrate division and polarizing pandemonium

While warmly weaving hearts of love and broadly building bridges of equality for one and all.

Let us play, pray, laugh, sing, and share together

Pledging patriotic allegiance and universal unity

To cooperatively create and perpetually preserve

Humanity’s habitat of hope, happiness, and harmony.

Liberty Street is a placid place to reverently respect and proudly reside

With a collective community of charitable civility that will generously provide

Empathetic encouragement, selfless support, and close camaraderie

A reformative revolution of arising acceptance and intersecting inclusivity

Of all colors, cultures, classes, and creeds

To any neighbor, friend, or stranger who welcomingly walks across liberty’s line.

About the Author

Amy S. Pacini is a freelance writer and poet from Land O Lakes, Florida. She esoterically expresses, reflectively ruminates, passionately pens, and creatively composes poetry about authentic awareness, self-discovery, dreams, destinations, nature, and nostalgia. Her work has been widely published in ezines, journals, and anthologies including Tales for Love: Nature Writing. The Writer’s Workout, Poetry Leaves, De La Mancha, October Hill Magazine, Dandelion in a Vase of Roses, Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze, Kind of a Hurricane Press, Torrid Literature Journal, The Lockdown, and Lost Tower Publications. Pacini writes poetry, short stories, personal essays, and motivational quotes. Visit

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