by Amy S. Pacini

Resolutions of Renewal 

The New Year is a time for new: 

Beginnings and open doors 

People and opportunities 

Hopes and dreams 

Goals and accomplishments 

Promises and commitments. 

The New Year is a time to find more: 

Happiness and peace 

Love and forgiveness 

Strength and courage 

Patience and understanding 

Generosity and gratitude. 

The New Year is a time for less: 

Hostility and prejudice 

Cacophony and chaos 

Cynicism and judgment 

Greed and guilt 

Sorrow and loneliness. 

The New Year is a time of remembering: 

Our departed loved ones 

Where we started and finished 

Cherished memories and milestone moments 

Trials transformed into triumphs 

Tears turned into smiles. 

The New Year is a time to learn: 

Increased knowledge and skills 

From past mistakes and regrets 

To give more freely and selflessly 

About our faith and world religions 

About ourselves and others. 

The New Year is a time of rebirth and renewal 

Healing and hope 

Peace and joy. 


Amy S. Pacini is a freelance writer and poet from Land O Lakes, Florida. She esoterically expresses, reflectively ruminates, passionately pens, and creatively composes literary pieces on such themes as authentic awareness, self-discovery, dreams, destinations, nature, and nostalgia. Her work has been widely published in ezines, journals, and anthologies including Poetry Leaves, De La Mancha, October Hill Magazine, New Authors Journal, Dandelion in a Vase of Roses, Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze, Kind of a Hurricane Press, Torrid Literature Journal, The Lockdown, and Lost Tower Publications. Pacini writes poetry, short stories, personal essays, and motivational quotes. Visit 


Sarah Cherry received her MFA in Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2019. She is currently a freelance illustrator and assistant director at Laney Contemporary Fine Art in Savannah, GA. Myths and fairy tales are recurring themes in her work, reflecting a love for magic and literature. These stories, and their accompanying imagery, are the food that feeds her desire to create and are endless sources of inspiration. 


Instagram: @sarahcherryart 

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