by Amy S. Pacini

Sometimes we’ll never see the results

Of our good works and generosity

Whether it be picking up litter along neighborhood sidewalks

Or donating to a worthy cause.

Turning in a wallet full of cash

Or calling in an anonymous crime tip

Buying holiday gifts and decorating homes

For less fortunate and needy families.

Caring for injured animals

Or leaving flowers on a stranger’s grave

Penning a poignant poem

In a public coffee shop journal.

Doing a kind act for a homeless person

Praying for soldiers and prisoners

Witnessing to unbelievers

Or speaking comforting words to violence and abuse victims.

But no matter how great or small our deeds and dedication

Time or monetary contributions may be

Knowing that we have somehow helped our fellow man

Or beautified our earthly planet.

Is all the gratitude we truly need

To be completely content

And wonderfully whole within

As we humbly hike the Samaritan highway.

About the Author

Amy S. Pacini is a freelance writer and poet from Land O Lakes, Florida. She esoterically expresses, reflectively ruminates, passionately pens, and creatively composes poetry about authentic awareness, self-discovery, dreams, destinations, nature, and nostalgia. Her work has been widely published in ezines, journals, and anthologies including Tales for Love: Nature Writing. The Writer’s Workout, Poetry Leaves, De La Mancha, October Hill Magazine, Dandelion in a Vase of Roses, Moonlight Dreamers of Yellow Haze, Kind of a Hurricane Press, Torrid Literature Journal, The Lockdown, and Lost Tower Publications. Pacini writes poetry, short stories, personal essays, and motivational quotes. Visit

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