by Athira Unni

I tell her that Groot died 

before Iron Man 

the sacrifice, a forgotten thorn 

that pricks my side  

the fact that the millionaire-playboy-philanthropist 

is the one who sacrifices is more telling  

of his own guilt than anything else,  

I argue 

she calmly bites into her samosa  

and continues filling a quiz for her Ethics class 

five years younger than me,  

she really came of age after she saw  

Fight Club and Mamma Mia;  

I was away, studying characters and plots. 

five years younger than me,  

she still surprises my wits 

like words tasted from the air, she asks, 

“what difference does it make?” 


Athira Unni lives on coffee and thunderstorms. She loves house plants and her cat Thomas. Her first poetry book Gaea and Other Poems has just been published. She blogs at

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