Spring Meditation
by Jane P. Perry

Orb weaver to the right of me. Shielded fore winger to the left of me. A sprinkling of stamina on top of me. Leathery leaves umbrella above. Did the gold spider just itch one of her six legs? Hanging, she looks like an Olympic gymnast preparing for a round-off. A flower rests, coned on the ground like a soft, dead bird. We are in this cocoon to remember.
The fluffy and feathery chlorophyll-rich, moss-encased tree trunk is soft to the touch where it was prickly in the dry season. Clustered ladybugs hang in tight bundles around desiccated stalk tops in the moist shade while others make a methodical precision-spaced commute across a sun-warmed sword frond. My path follows alongside an arid rain flow of dusty, decomposed humus. A council of Redwoods locates on a rise, the oldest and widest surveying the vast steamy stand. A crow jollies for minutes on end in punctuated guffaws until she dissolves in a ripple of raucous mirth. Tender chartreuse fascicle growth beckons me with their reach.
We hold hands for a moment.
The aquifer that reveals itself above ground even in the most gasping of times as a damp stain now holds pooled puddlettes in clay, to which I add, in humility, the water in me, a spit prayer carrying a dance of earthen verve. Thank you for life.
Jane P. Perry is an ethnographer. She has written on diaries, play in early childhood, familyhood, and Occupy Oakland. Her 2020 released book White Snake Diary: Exploring Self-Inscribers uses poetry, dreams and memory to tell a story of female identity, sexual predation, career and family, and a mother’s dementia, all braided by famous keepers of diaries. See her interview with Paula Whitacre, the podcast Without Books, and McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Women Writers, Women’s Books and The Oaklandside. 100% return on White Snake Diary goes to Sogorea Te Land Trust. She lives as a guest on Ohlone territory. janepperry.com
Anna Hunter is a visual designer, illustrator, and general weirdo located in central Arkansas with her fiancé and their two furry cats.
She earned her BA in Studio Art from Hendrix College in Conway, AR and her MFA in Illustration from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, GA.
Attracted to all things related to storytelling, Anna’s work consists of her own takes on folklore and mythology wrapped in bright but limited color palettes.
Instagram: @nuxiedrawsthings
Website: annahunterart.com