by Nancy Machlis Rechtman
The Ghost Owl
The ghost owl is patient
Biding his time in the lacy veil of the trees
Knowing darkness will soon descend
Signaling that his time has arrived.
And soon the sun, a tender lover,
Sinks slowly into the eager embrace of the pulsating earth
While the moon arises triumphantly Into the night sky.
The owl is but a specter
Silently hidden in the verdant canopy
That both shields and seduces him
As his eyes sweep the forest floor
For the rippling tremors that echo softly
Rising up to his perch in the crown
Where he is the jewel, yet unseen.
In a moment, he will get his release
As the velvet cloak that safeguards him
Awaits his soundless descent.
He senses the life below him
And is now one with their inhalations and exhalations
As he prepares to soar in syncopated rhythm with their heartbeats
Then swoops before he is even a thought or a blur in their periphery
His stealth is practiced perfection
As the deadly pas de deux
Between light and the void begins and ends.
Nancy Machlis Rechtman (she/her/hers) has had poetry published in Literary Yard, and short stories published in Highlights Magazine for Children along with stories published in several other children’s magazines. Rechtman has also had several children’s plays and a musical both produced and published. She wrote freelance Lifestyle stories for a local newspaper, and she was the copy editor for another local paper. Rechtman writes a humorous blog called Inanities at