John Sweet

tell the angel of

thirst that you love her


give her your dreams of

starving crows


give her wars that have

moved beyond the need for names,

that exist only in terms of

statistics and dollar amounts


the truth is a fist here


the cities are on fire


you will choke to death,

but at least your life

is filled with choices


ignorance, maybe, or fear,

or hatred, and

what else were you expecting?


surf the internet


get drunk and get stoned and

fall asleep on the couch

in the blue glow of reality tv


the golden age of oblivion

                          is upon us


About the Author

John Sweet sends greetings from the rural wastelands of upstate NY. He is a firm believer in writing as catharsis, and in compassionate nihilism which, as luck would have it, has all the best bands. His published collections include No One Starves in a Nation of Corpses (2020 Analog Submission Press) and There’s Only One Way This Is Going To End (Cyberwit, 2023).