Dear Readers,

Rebirth and spring go hand-in-hand. The icy stillness of winter fades in the rearview mirror as this transitionary season carries us ever closer to the vivacious peak of summer. Spring is the ideal time to talk about all the ways in which we perceive and experience revival, renewal, an (un)expected turnaround, a (possibly) desirable metamorphosis.      

Of course there were other reasons that this theme made sense. Our first volume, Recovery & Resilience, came out at an unprecedented time in history, when the COVID-19 pandemic and a rallying cry against institutional racism altered the way we live, function, and relate to one another. Since Volume 1 was about withstanding and surviving, Volume 2, naturally, is about what comes next, how these experiences have transformed us and our world.  

While reviewing all the submissions received from across the globe, we were amazed at the various ways in which the idea of rebirth was explored. Through short fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction and original artwork, the authors and artists chosen to be represented in this volume show us that to be reborn looks, feels, and unfolds in unexpected, uncertain, and at times, unnerving ways; and yet there is always something beautiful in the transformative process, a deep recognition that it is part of the natural order and necessary for us to grow, evolve, and move forward.  

Since one of our founding principles is to elevate the voices of traditionally underrepresented populations, we are excited to share works from incarcerated authors and writers in recovery in this volume in addition to the works submitted through our general submissions. The perspectives represented in this volume are particularly poignant and their messages relevant to all.  
We hope you enjoy Volume 2 and encourage you to join us in celebrating the writings and artwork that challenge and expand our understanding of rebirth.  
Bill Vargo   
Sarah Campli   
Jaime Grookett   
George MacMillan   
Nick Perez   
Paper Dragon Managing Editors    

Drexel Publishing Group 

Bill Vargo 

Managing Editors 
Jaime Grookett, George MacMillan, Nick Perez, Sarah Campli 
Fiction Editors 
Dylan Brown, Daniel Horn, Julie Tran  

Non-fiction Editors 
Beth Ann Downey, Emily Mras, Michelle Zimmerman 

Poetry Editors 
Angel Hogan, Lexi Reader, Olivia Rios 

Art Director 
Sarah Campli 

Assistant Art Director 
Casy Stelitano  

Social Media Manager 
Anthony Chatfield 

Website Designer 
Caitlyn McGonigal 

Jahdae Gardener 


Volume Two Editor-in-Chief Bill Vargo