A volume about friendship
The theme of friendship is the focus of Volume 6, the winter 2023 edition of Drexel's Paper Dragon. Thank you to all who submitted their works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and art. You can download a PDF of Volume 6 by clicking on the cover to the right.
Alphabetical by title
The Last Weekend in July
By Zach Keali’i Murphy
Young Americans
By Shannon Frost Greenstein
Volume 6 Masthead
Drexel MFA Class of 2024
Managing Editors
Tori Chase and Seth Kazmar
Fiction Editor
Seth Kazmar
Nonfiction Editor
Seth Kazmar
Poetry Editor
Kelleigh Stevenson
Visual Art Director
Dan DeNoon
Social Media Manager
Erica Buck
Submittable Managers
Tori Chase and Seth Kazmar
Website Director
Lee Ann Walling
Newsletter Director
Eleanor Keisman
Erica Buck, Abby Gervase, Jason Arehart, Skylar Fountain, Eleanor Keisman, and Ali Griffiths
Drexel Publishing Group
Faculty Advisors
Nomi Eve and Scott Stein

Tori Chase

Seth Kazmar
Greetings from our co-editors
MFA class of 2024 is proud to bring you the first of our two Paper Dragon volumes. We received hundreds of submissions and are excited to show you the hard work and wonderful creativity of those selected for Vol. 6.
To improve your reading experience, we have provided a downloadable PDF and an e-reader ePub file—a special gift for our email subscribers!—in addition to reading the volume on the website. We hope these three avenues will increase your reading satisfaction.
We chose friendship as our theme for this volume to highlight how connection with others has influenced and moved us. The selected pieces invite us to reflect on the effects of our closest relationships.
Because of the phenomenal work we've received, we want to move into next year reading more! Our next call will allow for longer works of fiction. This means our submission open period will be extended by a month. The theme is your choice. Get your submissions ready and thank you for reading Paper Dragon.
- Tori Chase and Seth Kazmar