By Julia Lisella
We park the car in the sand-dusted space, the windows swiftly fog with salt air. Engine off we try to be satisfied looking up through the glass for it’s too cold. But then, no, we walk out slowly into the very deepest black, find our footing on the edge of the cliff, if we stumble the beach will catch us but I act afraid. It isn’t the dark but the sky lit up with the constellations I can’t name. The wind is in my ears, the sand is cold and wet on my back and I let the layers show themselves until I find the light of the north star, the spin of its smallest orbit. It knows its limits, marks its place around the axis pinned through the planet. We discern its constancy, its certain place. Polaris, pole star nothing in the autumn sky could move it, could lessen its modest glimmer north north north and that is to say north, to say, the way others found their light through forests, through deserts, through the ancient stories through the night tonight, cold and terrifying its smallest beaming still solid the courage of it to burn like that outside the realm of the moon flickering like a candle breaking us a little

Julia Lisella’s books include Always (WordTech Editions, 2014), Terrain (WordTech Editions, 2007), and a chapbook, Love Song Hiroshima (Finishing Line Press, 2004). Her poems are widely anthologized, and are forthcoming or appear in The Common, Pangyrus, Lily Poetry Review, Ploughshares, Paterson Literary Review, Mom Egg Review, Nimrod, Exit 7, Ocean State Review and others. She is a professor of English at Regis College, and co-curates the Italian American Writers Association (IAWA) Reading Series in Boston. Her newest collection, Our Lively Kingdom, was named a finalist in the Lauria/Frasca poetry prize and was published by Bordighera Press in 2022.
Sarah E N Kohrs is an artist and writer, with over 100 journal publications of her poetry and photography. She is the 2022 Kingdoms in the Wild poetry award recipient for her chapbook, Chameleon Sky. Sarah has a teaching license, endorsed in Latin and Visual Arts, and homeschools, as well as works in her pottery studio, creating clay art to savor. SENK lives in Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, kindling hope amidst asperity.